In today’s podcast, Dr.Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners!
Today’s session includes questions about:
Oil of Oregano
Why there are no fruits and veggies on the reset
Pancreatic Cancer
And more!!
Tune in to hear the questions and answers!!
Announcer: You’re listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information, as awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It’s strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to our Friday edition of question and answer and hoping you’re having a great day [00:00:30] and let’s get going. We got a lot of questions this morning. Karen is asking about oil of oregano. What form I guess I like. Look, all oil of oregano is good. I’m a big guy on oil of oregano. I always tell my audience, they owe me money. This is a true story by the way, that when I had my radio show for 20 years in Northern Ontario. [00:01:00] The sales of oil of oregano were the highest in all of Canada, in Sudbury. They used to tell me that. The health food stores would tell me that, they had the highest sales of all Canada in Sudbury because of oil of oregano, because I used to preach it all the time on my radio show.
And so people ask me about [00:01:30] antifungals, antiviral, antibacterial, it’s a natural antibiotic. Wonderful. And here’s how I do it. I like it in a spray. So at the Martin Clinic, we have it in a spray form, three different forms of sprays. One is a throat spray, cherry flavored throat spray. First sign of a cold sore throat. COVID, I’m telling [00:02:00] you it’s every bit as effective as anything else on COVID with vitamin D. Now we also have it in a sinus spray. I call it spray and pray because it’s so strong. You’re going to have to pray, when you put that in your sinuses, don’t put straight oil of oregano in your sinuses. I like the spray because I find it just easy, but you can have it in drops and you can put a couple of drops on your [00:02:30] toothbrush. That’s a tremendous way to do it. I spray my toothbrush, but you can put drops on it. And so we have it in a pure spray. Then we have it in a throat spray and then a sinus spray. I love that. And I find even for allergies, one of the best things that you can do is use oil of oregano. I love it. So thanks for the question. Very good question [00:03:00] Karen.
Cynthia is asking about homemade kombucha. Hey, go for it. I like that. It’s a fermented food. It’s going to give you friendly bacteria. It’s very good for you. I got no problems, especially the homemade stuff. Folks, whenever you buy something in the store, like even yogurt, look you look at all that stuff, when they start adding sugars is when I don’t like it. That’s why you’ll never hear me talking about yogurt too much, because unless [00:03:30] you make it yourself, I just find that … Well, first of all, they have to pasteurize it and when they’re pasteurizing it, they’re killing all the bacteria that are there. If it’s on the shelf, it’s pasteurized because that’s the law in North America, you have to pasteurize it. And then when you pasteurize milk or yogurt or whatever, you’re killing the bacteria in it.
Janine is asking about cranberry juice. I am so happy Janine you asked about that. [00:04:00] What do I think about it? I don’t like it. I don’t like cranberry juice. Now, I know it has benefits in terms of lining your bladder. And it’s been used for a long time for bladder infections. Use probiotics, there better. Use an anti-yeast, better. Cranberry juice is, [00:04:30] even if they don’t add sugar, it’s too sweet and sugar to me defeats the purpose of it because you’re now feeding candida, yeast. Ladies, what happens in the bladder almost in variable, if you get especially recurring urinary tract infections, you do not have enough friendly bacteria and you have an overgrowth of candida, yeast. So don’t add sugar, man. You’re just feeding it.
And I found, [00:05:00] if you want something that helps because that’s what cranberry juice is supposed to do. It’s supposed to help the lining of the bladder so E.coli doesn’t sit on it. But you know what’s better in my opinion? Watermelon. Have a slice of watermelon. I don’t like juice. It’s full of sugar. Eat it. God wants you to eat fruit, not drink it. So [00:05:30] that’s where I come from. I would rather you use probiotics. That’s the best way to get rid of urinary tract infections. Use oil of oregano. It’s very, very, very antibacterial. And it’s also anti candida, it’s anti-yeast. You got it all. Take it. That’s why we put oil of oregano in our digestive enzyme to kill bacteria. That’s why it’s so good [00:06:00] to kill H pylori and to kill SIBO, small intestine, bacterial infection. So we add that to our digestive enzymes. It’s so effective. So thanks, Janine. Very good question.
What about the reset? Oh, Joanna is asking a question on the reset. “Why is it?” She’s saying. Why is it that you can’t eat fruits or vegetables on the reset? Very good question by the way. And guess what? [00:06:30] The book is coming out. We’re going to make an announcement, hopefully by next week we’ll make an announcement on the new book. The Martin Clinic Reset: The Diet Your Doctor Won’t Share With You. Listen, I was on two days ago, I think. And just online. So I said, “Look, I recommend you do the reset. You have this situation, the reset will really help you.” And you know what? Then the next day [00:07:00] I get a message. Will my neurologist like … We got to pass it by our neurologist first. I said, “Oh, first of all, neurologist take about five seconds of nutrition in their medical school.” And I’m not trying to be negative. I’m just telling you the vast majority of doctors, physicians, the vast majority, not all of them.
[00:07:30] I have some colleagues that are very, very cognizant of nutrition. They’re experts in nutrition, but they took that after they got out of medical school. In the ’70s, I took 2,000 hours of nutrition. And probably another 5,000 hours since then. So they said, “Maybe I’ll go to talk to my neurologist.” Well, your neurologist, first [00:08:00] of all, when they see eggs, meat, and cheese, neurologists, cardiologists, oncologist. You name the gist, they’re going to go crazy because they still got the cholesterol Boogeyman. They got fat, not good for you. I get it. It’s the way they’re trained. And they say, “Well, go see a dietician.” God loved dieticians, but dieticians are stuck like Elvis [00:08:30] Presley in the ’70s. Remember Elvis Presley? He’s dead. He died in 1976.
I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this story, by the way. I was going on Canada AM because I had written a book, I was being interviewed on Canada AM. They flew me to Toronto, treated me like a king and then they bumped [00:09:00] me. In the morning, it was going to be my segment. And guess what? The whole show Canada AM was on the death of Elvis Presley. He died the night before, he bumped me. Imagine. That was the first time I ever been on national television. What they did is recorded it, recorded the interview and played it the next day. See Elvis.
But dieticians are stuck [00:09:30] in the ’70s. Well, you got to have grains. You got to have up in top of the food chain are fruits and vegetables and you have a little bit of meat and, and that’s on the bottom of our pyramid, it’s the other way around. But you know what? You know what I’m getting at? Like I understand it, when I talk about eggs, meat, and cheese, they don’t get it. So I don’t necessarily recommend passing this by your doctor or your dietician. I hate to be negative [00:10:00] but they don’t understand.
Now, let me answer your question. Why no fruits and vegetables. And remember this is temporary, am I against fruits and vegetables? No, I’m not. But there’s a reason for my madness, guys. I do this for a very, very … I do not want any carbs for 30 days. I want to send your pancreas [00:10:30] on a holiday. Now I know that vegetables, most of them and even fruits, when you eat them and not drink them are pretty low in terms of their sugars. I get that and carbohydrates. There’s not many, but I don’t want any. And there’s the reason for it. I want to reset the body. I want to reset the pancreas. I want to empty out the liver completely. [00:11:00] And you do that when you’re not eating any carbohydrates. And by the way, one way to heal your gut and I talked to you about it in earlier podcast, is fiber is overrated.
Oh, doc I got have my fiber, I’m not going to go poop. It’s overrated. If you already have an irritated bowel, the worst thing you can add to it is fiber. Fiber is roughage. [00:11:30] And especially insoluble fiber. You know what the word insoluble means it means? You don’t absorb it. You know where it goes? It goes into the toilet. Well, if you’re going to eat something that’s going into the toilet. Oh, yeah. But doc it’s scrubbing my bowel. Leave your bowel alone. You don’t need to scrub it. Your bacteria will do that. Don’t scrub away all your bacteria. You have no idea [00:12:00] over the years how many people, especially women who had diverticulosis or IBS and they live on chicken and salad, salad and chicken. I said, “Quit eating that salad.” What? I said, “You’re not a rabbit.” You know why a rabbit eats salad? First of all, it does not have a gallbladder because they’re herbivores. They have an enzyme called cellulase. [00:12:30] You don’t, human beings are carnivores. It doesn’t mean we can’t eat any vegetables of course, but you do not have an enzyme called cellulase to break down cellulose, which is found in your salads. Oh you ladies.
And I’m not telling you never to eat salad. I’m not. I’m just telling you, if you got an irritated gut, [00:13:00] quit eating all that roughage, you don’t need it. So it’s a temporary program to answer your question, Joanna. It’s a temporary program. Get off the vegetables, get off the fruit. I don’t want any extra roughage. I want your body to reset itself. And I’m telling you, it works. Just go on the Martin Clinic Facebook, private Facebook group, and look [00:13:30] at the testimonies. Incredible. Guys, I’m going to tell you something. Ask me about any diet in the world that came out in the last 50 years, anyone. I’ll give you the Coles Notes version of what it is. I will put up the reset and I’ve written books on diets. What was one of them called? Nature’s Slim: The Healthy Way to Lose Weight. [00:14:00] That’s got to be 30 something years old. I can hardly remember what I wrote.
In keto, you guys talked about keto. Well, keto has been around for a long time guys. It didn’t just come out in the last few years. And the reset is not a keto diet. It’s different. It’s different than a keto diet. You will burn ketos. The vast majority of people, you will change your fuel and burn a better fuel, for [00:14:30] sure. But this is not really a keto diet because a keto diet allows you a certain amount of carbohydrates, about 50 grams for men sometimes. And depending on their makeup and women about 20 grams, you don’t get away with lots. This is zero grams. I’m sorry, 30 days, 30 days. Joanna. Very, very, very good question.
Anna, is asking about our [00:15:00] REVERA. Guess what I have right here? See it. She’s saying, “Do you have any studies?” Well look, I don’t do studies per se. I’ve done a couple of them. I did a study on chronic fatigue syndrome when I got my PhD in nutrition. And then I got another PhD in natural medicine, but the one that I did on nutrition was based on chronic fatigue syndrome, so I did a research. I had to, it was part of my thesis, [00:15:30] but REVERA the ingredients in here. Remember, it’s a formulation. We got what? Six, seven different ingredients in there. The primary thing that makes REVERA so good is pine bark. So you take pine bark internally through Navitol in Canada, in the United States. It’s Navitol. That’s a pine bark extract. That is our exclusive blend. That’s how many years I’ve [00:16:00] been doing pine bark extract. In Europe, it’s called Pycnogenol. Even in North America to some extent, but ours is a much better blend, but we use pine bark extract in here and hyaluronic acid. That’s what gives you a beautiful skin.
And this is a natural sunscreen, it protects you because it’s a very powerful antioxidant. Personally, I just give you clinical experience with pine bark. [00:16:30] And again, the testimonies, the reviews on that product are tremendous. Like I’ll tell you what, and I mean this, you can go and get 2, $300 product at your pharmacies or at your big box stores or whatever. You ain’t going to get a better product than this. I don’t mean to advertise like that, but I’m going to do it because you asked me the question. I mean that.
Okay, Sherry. [00:17:00] What apple cider vinegar, I like it. I’m going to say 10, 15 years ago, apple cider vinegar was good. There’s always things that come on the hit parade, I call it. And all of a sudden, oh, apple cider vinegar from cancer to colds. It fixes everything. I used to get patients come into the office and apple cider vinegar, it fixes warts on your nose. [00:17:30] No, it doesn’t. Like mother’s apple cider vinegar. I used to get that question when I had my radio show, every Thursday on my radio show. And I said, “Well, I like it, apple cider vinegar.” You know what it’s effective for? For your stomach. When you have low acidity and you have acid reflux. When you have acid reflux, it’s not because you got high acidity, you actually have low acidity in your stomach [00:18:00] and your stomach, your proton pumps are trying to push out even more acid because you don’t have enough. And guess what? It sends it up your esophagus. And now you have acid reflux.
Well, apple cider vinegar is good for that. I like balsamic vinegar, a little bit of teaspoon of balsamic or apple cider, I like that to help with your digestion. Apple cider vinegar does not replace digestive enzymes. [00:18:30] It doesn’t, but I like it. But sometimes you go online or whatever, and oh, apple cider vinegar, man. No, no. It doesn’t do everything it says it does. But again, I’m not negative on it. I got no problem. You want to use it? Go for it. But you’re going to lose 50 pounds when you take apple cider vinegar, guys don’t believe that for five seconds. [00:19:00] No, but it’s good for digestion. I like it. So there I go.
Now conditions, Kathy’s saying, “Can you talk about pancreatic cancer?” Well, I could do a whole show on pancreatic cancer, maybe I will. But let me just give you a very short version. First of all, pancreatic cancer, I hate to use the word epidemic, but we have an epidemic really. Pancreatic cancer at one time, when I was in the ’70s and [00:19:30] the ’80s and the ’90s even, pancreatic cancer was a rare cancer. Very deadly, our friend, a Sudbury boy, Alex Trebek died of pancreatic cancer. He survived it a little bit longer than people anticipated because it’s usually very deadly. There’s no real treatment for it, but why do we see so much of pancreatic cancer today? Can I tell you why in a nutshell? [00:20:00] We’re carboholics, we’re carboholics. We talked about insulin, insulin, insulin, insulin. We use so much stinking insulin. The good cop, bad cop. Remember that? A teaching a couple of days ago. You need insulin, but when you overuse it, you’re stressing that pancreas like big time.
And here’s another thing I’m going to say. [00:20:30] Listen, I actually did, if you go back on a podcast, this is … Oh, gee, well I think Alex Trebek, the first time we heard about it, was it two years ago? Maybe not quite that long. And I did a podcast on what would I do if I was Alex Trebek and I’ll give it to you in a nutshell, stop eating sugar. And remember carbs are going to be sugar in five seconds. You have cancer, stop eating [00:21:00] sugar. Sugar feeds cancer, sugar feeds cancer, cancer needs fuel. Quit feeding it. Oh, Dr. Martin, I’m going to juice. I hear juicing is good. No, it’s not. Don’t do juicing. I’m against juicing for cancer. Don’t juice. You’re just feeding cancer. Well yeah, but Dr. Martin it’s celery juice, not for cancer. [00:21:30] Eat celery. Don’t juice it. And I know that’s controversial even there because you get so many gurus, so many of my colleagues will tell you, “Oh, drink carrot juice.” No, don’t drink carrot juice. You can eat carrots, but don’t drink carrot juice. And I don’t want no carbs hardly at all.
Someone that got diagnosed with cancer, put them on the reset. [00:22:00] Eggs, meat, and cheese. So pancreatic cancer, I think it’s Kerry saying, “What are the causes of low blood iron?” Well, usually I often see it, it’s part and parcel with anemia. It’s a couple of things. One, oftentimes estrogen dominant, women are so susceptible, especially if they have too much estrogen, their menses can be a real mess. [00:22:30] They bleed so much and they lose so much blood and the body just never recovers from that. And some people, because they don’t … when you’re low iron … You know how you get heme-iron? Do you know how you get heme-iron? Is eating steak, vitamin S. It’s so important to understand that.
Other causes could be, just the fact [00:23:00] that you’re a vegetarian or a vegan. You’re going to get iron in some vegetables, but you’re not getting heme iron, H-E-M-E, heme or heme. You think of the Dodge truck. It’s got a Hemi-engine. That’s spelled with an I. This is spelled with a E, heme iron. Now, pancreatic cancer, we talked about low blood iron. Louisa is asking about high [00:23:30] blood pressure. Well, there’s a couple of things that cause high blood pressure. The number one thing of high blood pressure is, insulin. You want to get your blood pressure down, you start with a diet. Don’t blame salt for what sugar does. Now, salt can elevate your blood pressure. We talked about this in the past, but salt will only elevate your blood pressure if [00:24:00] you are dehydrated. So a lot of times what insulin does, it affects the kidneys. The kidneys can elevate your blood pressure.
So it’s a good question, but when you change your diet and when you drink vitamin W, which is water, your body needs a minimum of two liters of water a day. And nothing else is water except water. Remember that. Nothing else [00:24:30] is water, except water. Coffee is not water. Tea is not water. Juice is not water. And even Perrier is not water. Now, I like Perrier, I do, but I drink water. And I like the little Perrier. It’s not water because it’s carbonated. And when it’s carbonated, it’s acidic. So you need H2O, otherwise that’s one of the [00:25:00] major causes of high blood pressure is a lack of water. Your kidneys are Niagara Falls. They need water, water, water. You go to Niagara Falls, what do you see? Wouldn’t it be something if you went to Niagara Falls and oh, geez. I guess it took the day off. There’s no water coming over the falls. Well, that never happens.
Think of your kidneys. Seven days a week, 365 [00:25:30] days a year your body needs water. And you need two liters. For my American friends, that’s 64 ounces, minimum. Start there and make it a habit because you can make water a habit. Oh Dr. Martin, I don’t like water. Men, they’re big babies. I don’t like the taste of water, well too stinking bad. Suck it up, buttercup. [00:26:00] You need to drink water. You got high blood pressure. You want to have a stroke? Yeah, but I like my Pepsi better. Yeah. I know you do.
Jane is asking about water retention. Well look, that can be a couple of things. One of the biggest things in water retention is dehydration, you might think, “Oh no, doc, I’m not dehydrated.” Well then if you got water retention, you got circulatory problems or you’re [00:26:30] starting to get congestive heart failure. And that’s one of the signs, if your ankles are swollen all the time and that water retention, well your body’s smart, you’re probably dehydrated. So that’s how you get rid of that. Make sure you’re drinking enough water. And obviously you could have some medical conditions too.
Natalie’s asking about uterine fibroids. Well Natalie listen, uterine fibroids are caused by estrogen dominance. [00:27:00] So what do you do? Block your estrogen. Get on our hormonal formula. Block that extra estrogen. Ladies, you’re not low in estrogen. When a doctor tells you, you’re low in estrogen. You’re not, you’re not. Oh doc, I’m in menopause. I must be low in estrogen. No, you’re not. You haven’t been imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. That’s what you have. And I never worry about estrogen. You won’t see me giving people estrogen. [00:27:30] I don’t recommend it. There’s estrogen in everything. Every chemical looks like estrogen to your body. Women, you’re so susceptible. Even men, men at the age of 50, have more estrogen than they have testosterone for heaven’s sakes. There’s so much estrogen.
Cheryl’s asking about hiccups. Well, you know what? Usually in there you got hiccups, you got low acidity in your stomach, it’s just a symptom. It’s another symptom too, of a lack [00:28:00] of enzymes. So you need those digestive enzymes. Jerry’s asking, “What’s a good reading for B12 hemoglobin?” Well listen and Suzanne is asking the question part of it. What if you’re low in B12 and hemoglobin? When I look at blood work, I like your B12 to be between about 800 to 1.200, if it gets a little bit higher than that, I usually stop a patient from actually taking B12, but you’re at 500 and you go, ” [00:28:30] Oh gee, that’s high.” No, it ain’t, 600, no it ain’t. It’s low. That’s not high B12. I like optimal levels of B12. Now, we’ve talked about this, how important B12 is for your body?
And hemoglobin, I like 13 to 17 for men, women about 12 to 15. But even then, I don’t look at the numbers as much as I look at people to see their [00:29:00] complexion and their pallor in their face. I can tell a lot just by being observant. You’re pale all the time, you got low hemoglobin, you need to eat more steak. There you go. How do you get hemoglobin and B12? Steak. Oh, Jean is asking the question, they did the reset, It’s Jean or [inaudible 00:29:20]. Blood sugar, when the doctor wants to … Look, good question. Sometimes guys numbers are overrated. Like, when you ask me for [00:29:30] numbers, blood sugar, have you ever heard me talk about blood sugar numbers? Nah. I like your average … Your A1C, I’m interested in that. That’s a three month average of your blood sugars. But other than that … Doc, I take my blood sugar. Diabetics, they’re taking their blood sugar 20 times a day. I said, “You’re driving yourself crazy.” It’s like taking your blood pressure all the time. Why are you taking your blood pressure every five minutes for? I don’t like that. Even diabetic, oh I [00:30:00] got to check my sugars. How are you feeling? Oh, I feel good. Well then why are you checking all the time?
Now, I know that goes against the grain, but you’re stressing yourself out. Oh, I’m not at five. Yeah, but you’re five might be somebody … You know what I mean? If you feel real good, I’m more interested in that, then you taking your blood sugar every five seconds or your blood pressure every five seconds. I used [00:30:30] to remember in the clinic, they used to bring in … They had about three months, 10 times a day in columns. And they said, “Doc, what do you think of my blood pressure?” I said, “You’re getting my blood pressure elevated just by showing me 10,000 numbers.” I said, “You’re not going to die of high blood pressure, you’re going to die of a heart attack from taking your blood pressure every five seconds.” I said, “You’re [00:31:00] elevating your cortisol.” Anyway. Look, I know I’m a little different, but that’s the way I think.
Now Allison’s asking about histamine intolerance. Now, you know what? Alison, if you have histamine intolerance, meaning your mast cells, M-A-S-T are secreting too much histamine and you have an intolerance to it. And then they have … Again on the internet, you’ll see [00:31:30] diets for … I don’t believe it. I’m sorry, I don’t believe it. If you have a histamine intolerance, you have leaky gut. Fix your leaky gut. Eat eggs, meat and cheese. Don’t feed the bears of candida because that’s what throws histamine off in my humble opinion. And you got leaky gut, fix leaky gut. I’ve never seen, you know what they called histamine intolerance [00:32:00] that they don’t have leaky gut.
Harriet asking, “What causes low potassium?” Well, usually kidney problems or liver problems, if you have constantly low potassium, you got problems with your kidneys. Get your insulin down. You start with food and even the liver because you can have a start of fatty liver that can lower your potassium levels. Patricia, “What about ringing [00:32:30] in the ears?” That’s tinnitus. That’s a sign that your insulin is too high, you’ve got insulin resistance.
Really good questions. Sorry for my ranting. Have you found out that I’m a little bit opinionated? I got my ideas, I’m pretty stubborn. Thanks for watching. Please join our Martin Clinic Facebook group. Announcement coming very soon on [00:33:00] the book, so get ready for that. If you have any topics that you want me to cover, hey, send them along. I’ll see if I can cover them for you. Love you guys dearly and I mean that. Take care. For my American friends, Happy Thanksgiving sort of weekend. It’s Black Friday. Get out and shop. Love you guys.
Announcer: You’ve reached the end of another Doctor Is In [00:33:30] Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.